2023 Early Access Invitation

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the world has a fresh wound

A cut so deep it has exposed the mind of god. While we know the weapon, the damage and cure are both unimaginable. Illuminon, the Mother of All, has fallen in battle. As she dies, the material world freely mingles with the dreams and fears of its creator. The unremarkable have stolen exquisite power. The humble have been twisted into the horrifying. The isles of Illuminon's death bed have been reshaped through the dying words of her enemy and the last of her fevered will. She whispers for her children as her breath fails, calling them home for their inheritance.

Because in this bleeding estuary between the material and ethereal, opportunity grows. Creatures of myth and nightmare stalk new lands. Untapped knowledge pools at the feet of both the king and fool. Come build a new home on the bones of the Unmade Isles. Dive deep into the forests and fortresses that have swallowed memory. Find truth and power where a dead god lies.

Explore an extraordinary World:


Applications are currently open to the public for our first round of closed beta access.

Approved Beta Participants (Round 1) 47/200

Our first round of Beta Access will be limited to the first 200 approved users to complete our registration. If our beta program is something you would be interested in being a part of, please apply using the button below: